The apartment is located near the Shkembi Kavajes, at Kamelia Resort.
It is positioned on the upper floors of the building
Fantastic view from the sea
There is a bedroom, a living room, 2 toilets, 1 balcony
The original floor plan had two bedrooms, it can easily be restored to 2+1
Net area 124 m2
The apartment is totally furnished
The furniture is modern and super quality.
The apartment is located near the Shkembi Kavajes, at Kamelia Resort.
It is positioned on the upper floors of the building
Fantastic view from the sea
There is a bedroom, a living room, 2 toilets, 1 balcony
The original floor plan had two bedrooms, it can easily be restored to 2+1
Net area 124 m2
The apartment is totally furnished
The furniture is modern and super quality
Apartamenti ndodhet prane Shkembit te Kavajes, tek Kamelia Resort.
Pozicionohet ne katet e larta te godines
Pamje fantastike nga deti
Ka nje dhome gjumi, nje dhome ndenjie, 2 tualete, 1 ballkon
Planimetria origjinale ka qene me dy dhoma gjumi, rikthehet lehtesisht ne 2+1
Siperfaqe neto 124 m2
Shitet e mobiluar
Mobilimi eshte modern dhe super cilesor
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